I can't remember why I'm doing this. Can't remember why I...
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patterns in the undertow, melted light is dripping dripping, phosphor touch, white-blue rain, fire with every splash....
Acorns everywhere, torn from their spiky homes, leaves upon puddled leaves, that crunchy step-crunch-step-crunch as you walk amongst their shells. ...
Micro-fiber walls, velvet desk, soft-black-everywhere dreams. Hands down on the desk, stretched out, eyes closed, soft-black-everywhere dreams. Soft-padded silence, underground air, deep deep breaths. ...
Bumbling fumbling key-tapping, slaptastic, mish-mash 2 AM. Time is either runny or constipated, flowing and lost or stuck, stuck, stu... --slap-tap--...
Neon earth giving birth to neon-plastic ema-nat-ing e-lim-i-nat-ing suction-feeding MEDIA. Me-di-a...yes I'll take this...